Episode 20.4: Reactionary Evangelical Christianity

Back again with the final part of our multi-episode series on reactionary Evangelical Christianity in the U.S. In this episode, I finish analyzing the essay "The Integration of Theory and Action", the revolutionary call to action published by Eric Heubeck, in an effort to organize a quasi-Leninist socially conservative movement to seize control of American society. This is a great read, fun episode, and we find some explicit calls by the author for "New Traditionalists" to study revolutionary literature, theory, and strategy for the own political program. Social Media: Twitter - @thispodispropa Instagram - @thispodispropaganda Youtube - This Podcast is Propaganda  Email - [email protected] Libsyn Page -www.thispodispropaganda.libsyn.com Want to Support the Podcast? You can visit the Pod's Patreon Page: Patreon Link - https://www.patreon.com/thispodispropaganda Comment, rate, and share the Podcast to support the project! Show Notes: Jesus and John Wayne - Kristin Du Mez The Power Worshippers - Katherine Stewart Netflix - The Family

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Sick, tired, and frustrated with life under Capitalism? Me too. We're talkin' Revolutionary Marxist theory and applying it to the material and social conditions we live in each day.