Episode 295: 11/11/20 Narcissistic Abuse Q&A and Support Live Stream

The live streams happen every Wednesday at 8:30pm EST over on my YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/thriveafterabuse and they run for about 3 hours. If you are looking for support, you can join the Thrive After Abuse Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HealingAfterNarcissisticAbuse  (it is a closed group, but please make sure to read the group rules before you post so that you can change any privacy settings you may need to in order to stay safe).  Looking for daily motivation, inspiration, or more information about narcissism in general?  You can find me (Dana Morningstar) at:Facebook/ThriveAfterAbuse YouTube/ThriveAfterAbuse Instagram/ThriveAfterAbuse ThriveAfterAbuse.com

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Thrive After Abuse, I’m your host Dana Morningstar. This is a podcast where we discuss everything related to narcissistic abuse, self-love, and healthy relationships so that you can find the healing and clarity you are looking for. We cover: The most common words, definitions, concepts, and questions surrounding narcissism, and narcissistic abuse, such as: • Flying monkeys • Hoovering • Narcissistic abuse • Love bombing • Trauma bonding • C-PTSD • Scapegoat • Reactive abuse • And dozens more Frequently asked questions about narcissists, such as: • What is the difference between a selfish jerk and a narcissist? • How do I know for sure if they are a narcissist? • Can a narcissist change? • Why do I miss them? • How can I stop attracting narcissists? • How do I handle all this intense anger I have towards them? And much, much more. If you are looking for more information or support, please visit my YouTube channel, books, audiobooks, and other resources—all of which you can find over at www.thriveafterabuse.com. Please know that you are not alone, you are not crazy, and you can move forward and heal from this.