Business value through process automation | Jukka Moilanen, OP Financial Group and Kiarash Ghazi Zadeh, Tietoevry

Stay at the forefront of process automation, excellence, and data capabilities. OP, Finland's largest financial services group, is leading the way in process automation to transform its business and ensure customer satisfaction.

Our guests, Jukka Moilanen, IT Area Lead at OP Financial Group, and Kiarash Ghazizadeh, Head of Process Automation and Excellence at Tietoevry Tech Services, discuss ways to integrate process excellence into the company culture, the importance of understanding business needs, and the positive impact of human-centered automation.

Join the conversation to get practical advice on building capabilities for process excellence and using modern process automation to improve efficiency and delight customers.

Om Podcasten

The #1 Nordics Data Podcast  Data changes the world – but does your company take full advantage of it?   Data Insiders is a podcast where we seek answer to one question: how can data help us all do better business?  The podcast addresses the trends and phenomena around this hot topic in an understandable and interesting way. Together with our guests, we share knowledge, offer collegial support and reveal the truth behind hype and buzzwords.  Presented by Tietoevry. Listen to Data Insiders and stay in the forefront of data revolution.