#076 Maria Peterson (Kyudo) - USA

Tokushikai Inside Look - En podcast af Patrick Suen


Maria Peterson is from La Honda, California (or San Francisco, California), and has been training in Kyudo for over 26 years, during which time she was elected Director of the International Kyudo Federation, President of the American Kyudo Renmei, President of the Northern California Kyudo Federation, and she built the Redwood Kyudojo in La Honda, California and set it up as a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization for instruction and training in Japanese Archery. 

She got married in 2019 to Tim Macmillan, a fellow kyudoka who also practices Yabusame (horse archery). Maria holds the rank of Renshi Rokudan in Kyudo, Nihon tsugi-yubi license with the Ogasawara-Ryu, and Nidan in Aikido.

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