#S10 Special Episode - An In Depth Look at Budo and Cooking with Aurelien Nacrour and Sida Yin

Tokushikai Inside Look - En podcast af Patrick Suen


The goal of the “In-Depth Look” series of videos is to explore these subjects in more detail — examining the relevance, efficacy, and methods of incorporating these work and life experiences into budo practice, budo teaching, and community building.

In this episode, we discuss the many parallels between budo and the art of cooking - exploring concepts like patience, precision, repetition, vision, and many more -- all from the lens of specific dishes that Aurelien and Sida enjoy bringing to life.

This was definitely up there among my favourite podcast interviews so far, and look forward to exploring other side-interests that our global community of budoka have enjoyed mastery over in conjunction with their practice.

Aurlien was last seen in Episode #28 of this podcast, and Sida in Episode #34.

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Website: http://www.tokushikai.ca/insidelook


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