
Happy Birthday Harry Edward Styles! To kick off this rockstar's birthday, THWK is back and ready to make this season great! We have our 1:32, exclusive interviews, Make it Make Sense and our new segment, "Tea and Toast"! With Harry there is always something exciting happening and us fans wouldn't have it any other way! Stick around and join the party while we dive into it all!

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Pearls? Painted nails? Maybe rings or over-worn Vans? If any of these things remind you of the one-and-only Harry Styles, you are in the right place! Here at Treat Harry With Kindness, we use love and acceptance to create a place to feel good! A place where we talk about music, fashion, film and all other marvelous things that Harry has turned to gold since he melted hearts all over the world in 2010. Be sure to find our socials on Instagram and Facebook to be a part of every episode. -k