Dr. Morse’s Q&A – Spike Protein, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Dr. Wahl’s Protocol and More #595

True Healing with Robert Morse ND - En podcast af robertmorsend


00:00:00 – Intro00:09:17 – Spike protein00:26:57 – Rheumatoid arthritis00:28:52 Wahl’s Protocol MS Diet00:34:48 Pregnancy protocol & home birth ————– 00:09:17 – Spike proteinI have been compelling research that i just ran across from the January 2022 issue of the Journal of Natural Products. 00:26:57 – Rheumatoid arthritisI am trying to find an old book from the 1960’s about a doctor from the Blue Ridge Mountains who used a cleanse of raw onions and fresh squeezed le n juice to treat rheumatoid arthritis. 00:28:52 Wahl’s Protocol MS DietI came across Dr. Terry Wahl diet. Called the Wahl’s Protocol MS Diet. It’s a Paleo/Ketogenic diet 00:34:48 Pregnancy protocol & home birthI have a constant brain tremor/tick that I have been working on cleaning out & strengthening.

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