EPISODE 127: An Outbreak Of Self Love

New Year, Same us. We're not buying into the January narrative round these parts and instead have enlisted the warmth and wisdom of author, journalist, coach and most importantly for this ep, meditation teacher Conor Creighton to spin that narrative on its head. Conor says, "The Pressure to be highly productive in January is capitalism further disconnecting us from our true selves. All nature is resting right now, so should you." Less Namaste is the rioting in Kazakhstan and it's connection to bitcoin mining, Operation Transformation; the ongoing bananas-ness of Build-To-Rent and the sham of minimum unit pricing for alcohol. Plus a reminder to fill in the review on alcohol licensing. https://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/open-consultation-sale-of-alcohol

Om Podcasten

32 Episodes. 32 Counties. 32 Questions. Every week United Ireland looks at how issues in small places have a much bigger context, and discusses the issues important to you. Let's go!