Leaning Into Curves with Dr. Linda Pettit

Unbroken - En podcast af Alexandra Amor

Life has an unerring knack for presenting us with challenges and opportunities for change. Dr. Linda Pettit explores our innate intuitive nature and how we can use that to help us navigate the curves that life brings to us.Dr. Linda Sandel Pettit is a distinguished author known for her insightful work, including her acclaimed memoir, Leaning into Cuves: Trusting the Wild, Intuitive Way of Love.With over five decades dedicated to writing, four decades immersed in counseling psychology, and two decades serving as a spiritual mentor, Dr. Linda brings a wealth of experience and expertise to her practice as a speaker, writer and mentor.Unafraid to delve into divine wisdom, deep feminine knowing, and intuition, Dr. Linda empowers her clients to tap into their innermost truths. Through her guidance, she inspires and facilitates the release of pure love, allowing individuals to express their authentic selves fully.You can find Linda Pettit at LindaSandelPettit.com and on Instagram at lindasandelpettit.Click the image below to learn about the Unbroken Community and join the waitlist.You can listen above, on your favorite podcast app, or watch on YouTube. Notes, links, resources and a full transcript are below.Show Notes* Discovering that anxiety is thought created  * What if being calm and in a good feeling is how we’re meant to exist? * The only thing that ever gets in the way of love is our thinking * Using self-reporting instruments to gauge how clients were being helped by the Three Principles understanding * How our intuitive knowing is a life raft for us * How mystical experiences are the norm or all of us * Examples of listening to intuitive knowing and letting it guide us * Why waiting for the moving parts of life to align is importantResources Mentioned in this Episode* Linda’s book Leaning Into Curves * Book: The Butterfly Effect by Andy AndrewsTranscript of Interview with Dr. Linda PettitAlexandra: Dr. Linda Sandel Pettit, welcome to Unbroken.Linda: Thank you. Good to be here.Alexandra: It’s lovely to have you here. So why don’t we begin with a bit of your background? Why don’t you tell us who you are and when you came across the Three Principles?Linda: I have kind of an interesting background. I started out in journalism and public relations. And then I found my way into the helping professions. I was a counseling psychologist for 30 some, 35 years. And now I do speaking, and writing and mentoring. I came across the Three Principles about what was exactly 21 years ago. So when I met my husband, who many know in the Three Principles world, Dr. Bill Pettit, he’s a psychiatrist. And he had been mentored by Sydney Banks, the man who shared the principles originally. Or boy, even at that point, I think it had been close to 20 years. And so I got introduced through Bill. Syd was still alive then so he would call our home just about every other weekend. And we would put him on speakerphone and he would teach, share with us. He was very interested in mentoring both of us; Bill as a psychiatrist to me as a psychologist in the understanding.I will say, it wasn’t an easy immediate sell for me.Alexandra: That was my next question. Tell us about that.Linda: Bill should be the one that it was a pretty, I believe, at one point, as I recall it, it was actually in an airport. We were waiting for a flight and I got so triggered that I said to him, “If you ever mentioned Sydney Banks, again, we are getting a divorce.” Just to give your listeners,