Q&A 2 – What should I do about my cravings?

Unbroken - En podcast af Alexandra Amor

When we have an unwanted habit, what action should we take to deal with it? The answer may surprise you.You can listen above or on your favorite podcast app or read the notes and links below. Here are the highlights and the full transcript is below. Resources Mentioned in this Episode* Book: It’s Not About the Food * Submit your question to be answered on a future episode using this form * Free video series: Finding Freedom From Overeating and Other HabitsTranscript of EpisodeHello, explorers, and welcome back to this Q&A episode of Unbroken Podcast. I’m very glad you’re here. I’m Alexandra Amor and these are the shorter episodes on Mondays where I answer your questions. Given that this is a brand new show, and as I said last week, I don’t have any followers yet to submit questions, what I’m going to do is search back in my memory and ask the questions that I would have asked all those years ago, or several years ago. If you have a question that you’d like to submit, I’d love to hear it. Submit it to alexandraamor.com/question, and I’ll have a look at those and answer them on upcoming Monday episodes. Today, I want to answer the question: What should I do about my cravings?This was something that I was, of course, really interested in and have been interested in for the last 30 plus years until I found this understanding. As I mentioned in last week’s episode, it might be good to go back to that first Q&A episode, I talked about how when we have unwanted habits, we tend to use a lot of management strategies to deal with them. They really feel like a problem. And we really try to get our arms around them and our big intelligent brains and manage those habits. So suppress them, control them, use willpower, use whatever tactics and strategies we can to control them and deal with them. I talked about how this exploring this understanding takes a completely different approach than that. So anything that we’ve tried in the past, a diet or measuring and weighing our food, or distracting ourselves, or anything like that is really a management strategy, and we’re looking in a completely different direction. So, given all that, the short answer to the question, What should I do about my cravings is nothing. There’s actually nothing you need to do about your cravings, about your over eating, about any maybe binge eating episodes that you’re having. They’re not a problem. And that’s why there’s nothing for you to do about them. The first thing I want to say, though, is that we are divinely designed, although hardly anyone points this out to us. But we are divinely designed to return ourselves to a state of equilibrium or peace, or calm, whatever word you want to use to describe that feeling of being peaceful, being calm, being in a state of feeling very centered, and grounded. All of that stuff is innate within us. We don’t have to do anything to get ourselves back to that state. So even when we’re really riled up, feeling disregulated, feeling really upset or jangled, or like we really want to lean into using our habit, because we’ve had a really hard day, or whatever it is, it turns out, there’s actually nothing we need to do, in order to come back to a place that feels really good within us come back to a very ...