Q&A 47 – How our thinking is like a television

Unbroken - En podcast af Alexandra Amor

It can be so easy to get caught up in the drama of life and experience suffering because of this. But when we begin to explore the nature of our thinking and see that it is a spiritual energy coming to life within us, our suffering eases. You can listen above, on your favorite podcast app, or watch on YouTube. Notes, links, resources and a full transcript are below.  Show Notes * New schedule for Unbroken podcast – Thursday’s only for the next while * Coming up in a Thursday episode I’ll talk about coming out of the back of the spiral * How thinking works like a television * What we experience is only every going on inside us * When we see this it makes resolving an overeating habit so much easier Resources Mentioned in this Episode * Dr. Bruce Greyson * Waking the Wild podcast Transcript of this episode Hello explorers and welcome to Q&A Episode 47 of Unbroken. I’m Alexandra Amor. Thank you for being here with me today. I appreciate it. Before we kick off today’s subject, which is how is our thinking like television, I wanted to do a couple of quick housekeeping items. The first one is that we’re coming up to a year of Unbroken podcast, which is very exciting. I started on February 14 to 2023. And this episode that I’m recording now will go out on January 8 2024. So almost a year of episodes. 47 Q&A episodes and 47 interview episodes. I’m really proud of everything that I accomplished in this past almost year. And as we do, I’ve been contemplating things over the holiday time when I had to had a few days off. What I realized is that I have some projects that I’d really like to work on in this coming year. And that releasing two podcast episodes a week is a bit of an impediment to that. It’s a lot of work, recording two episodes per week. So what I’m going to do is change the schedule up a little bit, and switch to one episode per week. Starting the week of January 15 there will just be one episode of Unbroken each week on Thursday. And I’m going to alternate between interview episodes and these this type of solo shows that I do, where I talk about what I’m seeing, and what the insights that I’ve had and what I’m observing, and that kind of thing. So yeah, like I say, that’ll start the week of January 15. January 18 will be the first of that kind of episodes. And it’ll actually be an interview with I think it will be with Gail, Dr. Gail Brenner. So you can keep your eyes and ears open for that. And then what else? What other housekeeping did I have? Oh, yes. I’ve talked a little bit lately about being in the back of the spiral. If you’ve listened to previous episodes, I’ve mentioned that a couple of times. I’ve come out of the back of the spiral. So that’s exciting news. And I’m really thrilled about it. So I think what I’ll do is I’ll talk about that on the first solo episode after I make this schedule change. So that’ll be later in January, maybe the 18th or something like that, I think. I’m not quite sure.