Ep. 106, Told to learn IT

Paul Dingwitz shares his experiences with us in Episode #106 of Underserved. Paul "answered the call" from an Army recruiter, and this was his introduction to technology. In the military you don't get a lot of choice about what you do, so when he was tapped to maintain the LAN and WAN he had to figure IT out. A private digital media firm lured him back stateside and into the corporate sector, where he was at the forefront of broadcasters moving from film to digital. From CNN to a streaming media startup, Paul is now back in Germany with The Zeal Group, and shares with us his unique path to the CTO seat.   Children’s Fund: This is who we used to sponsor families https://www.childfund.org/  Friendly look behind the scenes at what your competitors use https://builtwith.com/ Some of the best steak cooking recipes ever https://www.youtube.com/@GugaFoods Great Book and Author https://a.co/d/1UfMICC Fun tech and gadget reading https://newatlas.com/   

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Underserved is the podcast for the rest of the technology industry. No startup or gadget worship, just real stories, lessons, and interesting topics from real people in the technology industry. Special emphasis on software development culture and history.