LETTER FROM SCOTLAND - Feb 24 - News, views and gossip from all over Scotland. A funny and slightly controversial commentary

LETTER FROM SCOTLAND  is a light-hearted look at what makes the news in Scotland. It is an insight as to what makes this 'wee' country with a big heart tick. Some of the news is political commentary and other news is local gossip without taking it all too seriously. In today's LETTER FROM SCOTLAND, you will discover how Scotland's national dish, the Haggis, could impact the forthcoming US Presidential elections. And what has TONG, a tiny Hebridean island, got to do with the ex-President Trump? Political chat is about the Covid enquiry and also reports on a slight disagreement (spat) between Mr Trump and Ms Sturgeon, Scotland's First Minister 2014 - 2023. Everyone loves a good juicy scandal and, if you read between the lines, you might just find one here! You'll hear about an escaped Japanese Macaque monkey who brightened up the lives of some Highlanders (and the Paprazzi) and can you believe that a 2 year old Scottish boy climbed to Everest BAsgte Camp? And, what is making the people of Mull tremble? You will also learn about the word 'Shenanigans' where this Podcast will bring it into use. It's all here, in this tongue-in-cheek look at Scotland today. Sit down with a cup of tea for half an hour and listen to what is bothering us Scots and see if it helps you not take yourself too seriously.

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John Harbour, from www.exclusivescottishvisits.co.uk, is your trusted, expert guide on the Unique Scotland podcast. These carefully crafted, impeccably researched programmes connect you with this small but beautiful land. You’ll be introduced to the land itself, the people, and discover what makes them tick. John then takes you on virtual tours of every part of Scotland, from the Borders, to the Lowlands and then onto the Highlands and Islands. The craggy mountains as well as the beautiful white sandy beaches. Along the way, John covers the customs, traditions and culture, including the Clans - perhaps yours - and the part they played in the bloody Clan Wars. New episodes are regularly added so please ‘Subscribe’ and visit www.exclusivescottishvisits.co.uk to find out more.