LETTER FROM SCOTLAND - May 24 - News, views and gossip from all over Scotland. Donald Trump's office replies to my call for lifting ban on Haggis importation to America

Political Scandals in the Scottish Government, attempted fraud and an escaped Macaque monkey in the Highlands makes up todays letter from Scotland in this May edition. But it is not all monkey business, there are serious issues and you will hear of  Donald Trump’s office replying to Exclusive Scottish Visits’ suggestion to ease the importation of Haggis to America. Unique Scotland still awaits a response from President Biden. You will hear about the tiny Scottish island that ordered more easter eggs than the whole population and is it possible that Dunvegan castle that has stood on it’s rocky precipice on the Isle of Skye for over 800 years is starting to fall into the sea? And from Monsters to Water Beasts, why is Scotland producing so many. And, you will hear how NASA is being approached to help in the search for Nessie. All this and much more.

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John Harbour, from www.exclusivescottishvisits.co.uk, is your trusted, expert guide on the Unique Scotland podcast. These carefully crafted, impeccably researched programmes connect you with this small but beautiful land. You’ll be introduced to the land itself, the people, and discover what makes them tick. John then takes you on virtual tours of every part of Scotland, from the Borders, to the Lowlands and then onto the Highlands and Islands. The craggy mountains as well as the beautiful white sandy beaches. Along the way, John covers the customs, traditions and culture, including the Clans - perhaps yours - and the part they played in the bloody Clan Wars. New episodes are regularly added so please ‘Subscribe’ and visit www.exclusivescottishvisits.co.uk to find out more.