Mistborn - The Final Empire

Charlyn and Faefyx take on the first book in Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series, “The Final Empire” (originally published as “Mistborn”), in the first of an ongoing series. Tune in for discussions on classism tied to racism, the use of religions and an intriguing magic system in storytelling, and hear Faefyx make probably incorrect predictions for book 2 (they haven’t read it yet).    Find us on Facebook and Instagram at Unramblings, on Twitter at @UnramblingsPod, and on our website at MarkCollington.com/Unramblings. Email us with feedback, questions, and suggestions at [email protected]. Continue the conversation on social media with #Unramblings!      Please rate and review wherever you listen, as it helps more people to find the show. Recommendations and shares are good, too.       Show Notes:      Paolo Freire - Pedagogy of the Oppressed Great book, and really short! One of the foundational texts of critical pedagogy; we refer to his description of how an individual oppressor achieves true solidarity with the oppressed, as well as Freire’s description of false generosity, or charity that targets the symptoms of an unjust society, which supports the oppressive system and fails to address the underlying cause of social problems – the oppressive system itself.     Snopes - LBJ Quote on Race "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." – Lyndon B. Johnson     NPR - Is a Placebo a Sham If You Know It's Fake and It Still Works?    Washington Post - Five myths about placebos    Late Thoughts: Avatar   Wikipedia - White Lotus – Apparently, the White Lotus Society was an actual secret society that inspired multiple rebellions in imperial China     Late Thoughts: Hamilton [Video] Bernadette Banner - Unpacking the Hamilton Costumes: Historical Accuracy?    Late Thoughts: Birds of Prey Tor - On the Significance of Harley Quinn's Split Lip in Birds of Prey  

Om Podcasten

Charlyn Green and Faefyx Collington breakdown what stories we tell, how we tell them, and how that interacts with our culture.