Exploring the World of Coffee with Michael Sheridan of Intelligentsia

Most of us drink coffee regularly, but how often do you think about how and where it's grown? To help us understand the complicated intersection of business and agriculture that shapes the world of coffee, we invited Michael Sheridan of Intelligentsia...

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Newsflash — We have a waste problem in this country. Want proof? In the United States, about 40% of our food supply goes to waste. And that’s just food. We know it's easy to get overwhelmed by how wasteful we are in modern America. Maybe what's missing is some hope, some inspiration, and a helpful way to get started on the path to a more sustainable lifestyle.Welcome to Unwasted — a podcast all about inspiring everyone to live less wasteful, more meaningful lives. Each week, we hear the powerful stories of people on a mission to end our addiction to waste. We’ll have conversations full of food-for-thought, fun facts, and actionable tips, tricks, and recipes that you can try at home. Because while we all may not see eye to eye on everything, the one thing we can agree on, is that we only have one life, one planet, and it would be a shame to waste any of it. So join us, every week, on Unwasted with Imperfect.