Ep 12: Bold First Day Activities for the Modern Entrepreneurship Classroom ft. Doan Winkel

What happens when you give groups of students $10 and tell them to earn as much money as possible? Learn about a bold first-day activity you can use in your entrepreneurship education course from Dr. Doan Winkel. “I expect them (students) to have bad ideas, which is part of the learning...try them out so you can get to the better ones.” -- Dr. Doan Winkel 

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Each Tuesday, USASBE explores bold teaching and learning in entrepreneurship to help educators like you answer the eternally frustrating question, "What do I do to create a more engaging classroom?" Teaching Tuesday is a product of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), an inclusive community advancing entrepreneurship education through bold teaching, scholarship, and practice. For more information, visit us at www.usasbe.org.