What No One Tells You About Homebirth: Alondra's HBAC story + Pregnancy After Loss

Alondra is on the show today to share her HBAC story after her miscarriage. Alondra dives into her traumatic c-section story, her miscarriage, and her homebirth stories. She shares the things that surprised her the most about having a homebirth. You will hear a lot of baby noises on the audio today, because Alondra had her sweet six-week-old with her while she recorded.  If you love this podcast, please like, review and subscribe! Join the VBAC Babes newsletter here! Find the show notes on our website here! Connect with Alondra on Instagram here.  Follow VBAC Babes on Instagram

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This podcast was created to provide a community to cheer you on in your journey from VBAC hopeful to VBAC success.  We are going to debunk the myths, quiet the naysayers, and equip you with everything you need for a healing, empowering birth. And positive postpartum experience. We are VBAC moms. We are fierce, go getters, women of action. You've got this, mama. And I'll be by your side, every step of the way.