67: Live Like Sean, with TJ Nelligan

Walking with Freya - En podcast af Anne Fricke

I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing father, advocate, author, and, I learned, fantastic storyteller, TJ Nelligan. He wrote the book Live Like Sean, Important Life Lessons from my Special-Needs Son. Some of the lessons TJ mentions have really stayed with me. Being present in the moment. Being friendly to everyone. Showing genuine concern for those around you. Ways most of us know we should behave and interact with our fellow humans but sometimes get lost in the chaos of adulting in this society, especially these days. So when you’re done listening to this episode and you’re inspired to get the book, you can follow the links in the show notes, search the book on Amazon or Barnes and Nobles, or visit his website tjnelligan.com. There you can find sweet pictures of him and his son, and their family, and learn more about them both and what wonderful lessons you’ll encounter when reading this book.

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