Chapter 10 - Jewish Power and Powerlessness

In this episode, Dr. Wilf discusses the differences between Jews who feel comfortable with having power, versus those who don't. What is the relationship between morality and power, progressivism and power? Then, columnist Blake Flayton joins to discuss Christianity's influence on Jewish communities and the rise of anti-Zionism.

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Dr. Einat Wilf, one of the most insightful thinkers on Zionism today, reads essays from her latest compilation of essays book, "We Should All Be Zionists." Then, Dr. Wilf and columnist Blake Flayton discuss the themes of each essay and how they apply to Israel and contemporary Jewish life. Listen for insightful conversation on politics, conflict, peace, religion, revolution, past, present , and future. You can purchase your own copy of "We Should All Be Zionists" anywhere you get your books.