How To Find And Manage Hot BMV Property Deals In Minutes! w/ Guillaume Black

Christian and I invited property investor and Founder of Property Filter, Guillaume Black, onto the WealthTalk podcast to share his expert knowledge on how to find and manage hot below-market value (BMV) property deals in just a matter of minutes.   Guillaume has been involved in property since 2012 but things really kicked off for him in 2018 when he started to develop high-end house shares in the Birmingham area and has been doing so ever since.    The secret to his success in property was a piece of software that Guillaume developed with his best friends, called Property Filter. The results he saw from it allowed him to become ‘Property Entrepreneur of the Year 2021’ and won him ‘Deal of the Year’ in 2022.  Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, you'll want to listen to this episode to learn more about Property Filter and find out how you could use it to find and manage hot BMV deals within minutes.  Guillaume has kindly offered a very special 14-day free trial of Property Filter Early Access to WealthTalk listeners.

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