Member Spotlight: Glyn Wilkinson

In this captivating episode of WealthTalk, we shine a spotlight on one of our founding WealthBuilders members, Glyn Wilkinson. Join us as we delve deep into Glyn's inspiring journey within the WealthBuilders, where financial transformation and empowerment are at the forefront. Having been one of the 100 founding WealthBuilders members when he joined in 2019, Glyn Wilkinson, shares his invaluable experiences, the challenges he’s had to overcome and his success stories since joining the programme. Listen in as he discusses how WealthBuilders has empowered him to take control of his financial future, make informed investment decisions, and build a path towards financial independence. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting your wealth-building journey, this episode offers valuable insights and motivation to help you achieve your financial goals.

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Would you like to be completely financially independent? Tune in each week to the WealthBuilders podcast hosted by Kevin Whelan & Christian Rodwell. WealthBuilders provides a proven step by step process to help our members create, build and protect their wealth by focusing on growing their assets through education, support and connections. Join our community for free at