Property Investing Success [Featured Guest Highlights]

There are 7 pillars of wealth and at WealthBuilders we see property as by far the most popular choice amongst our members to generate predictable recurring income. Knowing which strategy is right for you depends on your points of leverage and your interests. This week we revisit some of our favourite clips from previous episodes where guests provide insights on why building wealth through property is such a great strategy. Guests include the Founder of Property Investors Network, Simon Zutshi who shares his thoughts on the best strategies for property investing in the current UK market, Jerry Alexander on his commercial property investment lightbulb moment and Wealth coach, Toby Spanier who shares creative ways of financing your property deals.

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Would you like to be completely financially independent? Tune in each week to the WealthBuilders podcast hosted by Kevin Whelan & Christian Rodwell. WealthBuilders provides a proven step by step process to help our members create, build and protect their wealth by focusing on growing their assets through education, support and connections. Join our community for free at