WealthBuilders for Families: Chris Henry

Join us as we engage in an enlightening conversation with Chris Henry about the strategies, tools, and insights that families can utilise to enhance their financial well-being and secure a prosperous future. During the episode, Chris shares his extensive knowledge and practical advice on a range of topics, including smart investment strategies, estate planning, and creating financial legacies that benefit not only today's generation but those to come. Tune in as we explore the importance of setting financial goals, aligning investments with your family's values, and navigating the complexities of estate planning. This episode is a must-listen for families who aspire to achieve lasting financial success, safeguard their loved ones' futures, and create a legacy that endures through the generations.

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Would you like to be completely financially independent? Tune in each week to the WealthBuilders podcast hosted by Kevin Whelan & Christian Rodwell. WealthBuilders provides a proven step by step process to help our members create, build and protect their wealth by focusing on growing their assets through education, support and connections. Join our community for free at www.wealthbuilders.co.uk/membership