Are You And Your Salespeople Acting Dumb As A Box Of Bricks?
TheInquisitor Podcast with Marcus Cauchi - En podcast af Marcus Cauchi, Laughs Last Ltd
"I don't teach my salespeople how to sell. I teach my salespeople how customers buy. If they're smart enough, they'll figure out the how to sell part for themselves" Jason Jordan is best known for writing CrackIng The Sales Management Code, but my favourite book of his is #SalesInsanity. We explore a range of sales and sales management insanities. We challenge the received wisdom that sellers exist to serve shareholder value. THAT IS A MASSIVE LIE. It poisons the sales culture and breaks the bond of trust necessary between seller and buyer. When does the hunter-farmer model work? What is the true purpose of sales management? What are the metrics managers SHOULD be measuring? What's the difference between trying to manage the #pipeline vs the #forecast? What are the milestones that matter? Packed with practical, instantly applicable insights, this conversation is oozing with value. Take notes. Put the lessons into action immediately. Question everything you are doing as a manager. Contact Jason via Twitter: jasonrjordan -- Contact me on [email protected] -- If you believe your success in the future will depend on your ability to collaborate, then please drop me a line to explore whether you qualify to join the #BlackPearl #StrategicAlliances #MastermindGroup We are an elite affiliation of strategic alliances professionals who are committed to always selling into hot prospects, and never sell cold. With 14-18x higher close rates than cold sellers and #customer retention rates in the high 90-percentile, we believe in seeking out and serving profitable customers for life. Do you?