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TheInquisitor Podcast with Marcus Cauchi - En podcast af Marcus Cauchi, Laughs Last Ltd

#SteveHall helps salespeople perform at their peak when selling to the C-suite. We both started selling when Moses was in short trousers and have been involved in helping our clients sell $billions of new and expansion business. We vent our spleens as we lament the lack of preparedness so many salespeople think is acceptable. We bemoan that half arsed or non-existent research, piss poor planning and failure to rehearse that seems all to common in many sales organsations today. There is no excuse for behaving in such a slapdash manner, so many managers tolerate or enable such behaviour by focusing on stuff that really doesn't matter. Consider for a moment how much a CEO or CFOs time is worth. They are responsible for $hundreds or $billions each year. That means their time is worth between $50,000-$500,000 PER HOUR. How dare you allow your salespeople to turn up ill equipped and half cooked? Steve can be contacted on Website: (Company Website)Twitter: stevehallsydney -- If you want to get a bit of an arse kicking and jump on a 1 to 1 with me you can do that via Subscribe to my newsletter, #TheGrumbler here: #TheInquisitorPodcast Podbean: Spotify: Apple: The #ScaleupsAndHypergrowthPodcast Podbean: Spotify: Apple: