How Bad Culture Hurts Profits And Makes You Toxic as a Long Term Employer?

TheInquisitor Podcast with Marcus Cauchi - En podcast af Marcus Cauchi, Laughs Last Ltd


"How often is culture talked about in your business? Is it a standing agenda item?", challenges Steve Simpson, creator of the concept of Unwritten Ground Rules, UGR®'s. We explore how to develop and deliver an #aspirationalculture to make you attractive as an #destinationemployer. UGRs are answers to great questions like, "How do we treat people when ...?" Complete that sentence around real life situations and you start to uncover some blindspots, prejudices and unconscious biases that are disadvantaging you, your business, your customers, your suppliers and/or your own people. Of course biases exist. No point denying they do if your intent is really to help fix them. Our job is not to shy away from identifying biases but to do so and address them. If you ever needed a better argument for diversity and inclusion, it is the creative power of diverse teams all looking at the same problem. Where you have multi-aged, multi-ethnic, multiple socio-economic backgrounds, differing faiths, politics, technical and professional experience who share the same values and purpose, the benefits are several magnitudes greater than fighting for processes and beliefs that are no longer fit for purpose tied around a homogeneous group of like thinking people. A strong indicator of the unwritten and unspoken priorities, which may include building political power frequently shows alignment below the surface radar around cultural discrimination, intentional or unintentional, deliberate or through ignorance is the response to this deceptively provocative question - "If I asked your people what your leadership team's priorities are they'd say ...?"   Steve explains how we respond to members of our teams putting forward their ideas, is indicative of your underlying culture and shared values system. The response to this kind of situation witnessed by others, quickly determines who and how discretionary effort may be offered or withheld, the temperature of relations between leadership and their workforce. A very provocative interview with plenty of practical and meaty material you can implement yourself Contact Steve via Websites (UGRs Company Page) (Steve Simpson Personal Site) (Safe Mining Cultures) Phone: +61419901391 (Mobile) Email: [email protected] Twitter: steveugrs Episode 418: Steve Simpson #SteveSimpson #UGR #UnwrittenGroundRules #employeesafety #managementethics #leadershipethics #businessethics -- If you want to explore coaching or training for you or your team book a call with me here - And if you want to learn from me, my fresh courses and programmes designed to help you sell how buyers really buy without manipulation or pressure can be found here -  Successful Selling - Hiring Winners -  

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