How To Create A Business Designed To Deliver Mutually Assured Success
TheInquisitor Podcast with Marcus Cauchi - En podcast af Marcus Cauchi, Laughs Last Ltd
Imagine your organisation was committed to the success of employees, customers, community and owners. How good could that get? Kelly Stewart helps companies design and execute better strategy. She puts much of the cause behind 70% failure to execute down to lack of input from those who have to implement, and live with the consequences. Eye-opening, challenging, pragmatic, Kelly Stewart pokes and prods at our pink underbellies, our deep rooted fears with a featherlight touch and masterful questions. Grab a warm, comforting drink, a note pad and pen and explore the art of finding what other people really want so you can find the best path to what you share in common. Kelly's approach beautifully illustrates the power of #AppreciativeInquiry and #GenerativeQuestions. We dig into a diverse range of interdependent topics around creating collaborative work environments, built upon finding what we all have in common. It's more likely to deliver an outcome all can be happy with, with the minimum of compromise needed on important issues or early discovery of something else to lean into; others would see them as road blocks instead of objects of curiosity. Discover what a pre-competitive alliance is, and why you might want to find one or two yourself. Contact Kelly via Websites (The Positive Business) (Attractivate ) Email: [email protected] -- Contact me on [email protected]