Talk To Your Best Customers! They'll Teach You How To Attract More Customers Just Like Them
TheInquisitor Podcast with Marcus Cauchi - En podcast af Marcus Cauchi, Laughs Last Ltd
... And talk to your unhappy customers. They'll teach you how to get better. Nigel Davey says, "There's a cost to learning what worked and didn't work. The biggest cost is time". Stop selling transactions. Focus on lifetime customer value. That's "how much they spend before they tell you to go away!" What's it cost you to acquire a lifetime customer and what's it worth investing to attract the right customers. Nigel reminds you to beware becoming too heavily locked into one or two customers. Spread your risk. He warns against cutting your marketing when times are hard. Feeding your pipeline is a daily requirement. Communicating, raising awareness, building association and familiarity with your brand is non-negotiable if you want to thrive through hard times. Keep nurturing your pipeline, even when your prospect says no. Contact Nigel via Website (SME Needs' Testimonials page ) (SME Needs - how we help you) -- Contact me at [email protected] Please tag someone who will value listening to this episode. If you've not yet done so, please leave an honest review for #TheInquisitorPodcast at Apple or Google podcasts