This Is The Time You Need To Lead With Strength, Bravery And Courage

TheInquisitor Podcast with Marcus Cauchi - En podcast af Marcus Cauchi, Laughs Last Ltd


Covid-19 has thrown us all into a state of unwelcome change. The economy has been kicked in the crotch but it's not dead. Now is NOT the time for you or your salespeople to sit back and whimper about the unfairness of the situation. It is the time to seize the good in this crisis. Many of you will be going through a process identical to grief. Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Your job as a sales manager or sales leader is to help your salespeople reach Acceptance. Managers who coach each salesperson in their team for 3-3.5 hours will help their people be STRONGER through this crisis and help their business THRIVE not just survive. Business leaders, now is NOT the time to cut back on training. It is the time to double down on SALES training. Product training is NOT sales training. Develop a cadence of training and coaching because your salespeople are critical to the current and future survival of your business. Sales is the lifeblood of your business. EVERY role, your equity, shareholder value all depend on your salespeople performing during this period. Buyers are easier to get hold of now than they ever have been or will be in your lifetime. We are seeing a 300% increase in access to decision makers. Of course you need to be sensitive to their current situation but if you can help them, you do them a massive disservice by waiting, by not prospecting, by not calling customers and engaging in discussions about their business, their people, their vision, their future. No punches pulled and some very cold, hard truths in this episode. Last year 56% of salespeople worldwide FAILED to hit quota. That number will plummet this year. 13% of sales teams HIT quota last year. I believe that number will stay more or less the same. Why? Because those teams are being trained and coached by GOOD managers. This is the time invest in your managers to become great managers.Most sales managers are tapped on the shoulder and told "Congratulations. You are one" without any training or onboarding into the role. Their bosses don't coach them either. That is a massive dereliction of duty as a leader. Get outside help if you don't know how to do this yourself effectively. Now is the time to remove the salespeople who are not able or willing to change. You hired them so make sure you do everything you can to help them and if you have to cut heads, do it kindly and fairly. It is a kindness to them and good decision for the business. You can get hold of Dylis and

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