Hawaii Fire Disaster: Responding to the Front Firelines with Shawn Rowland

In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Shawn Rowland, a Hawaiian physician who stepped onto the frontlines of the intense Lahaina fire disaster. Dr. Rowland, a board-certified Family Medicine physician and the founder of Jase Medical, brings a unique perspective to the challenges of disaster response. With a background that spans rural and critical access hospitals, as well as international medical work in Mexico and across the United States, Dr. Rowland's experiences are both diverse and impactful. However, it's his involvement in search and rescue that truly sets him apart. Starting with his EMT days at the University of Utah, where he served for six years with the Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Team, he's honed skills that range from Mountain Rescue to Swift Water Rescue. Currently residing on the tranquil north shore of Oahu, Hawaii, alongside his family, Dr. Rowland's insights into the Lahaina fire disaster are both personal and professional. Join us as we explore his journey through the chaos, his unwavering commitment to saving lives, and the unique challenges that come with responding to a disaster of this magnitude. Tune in for a compelling conversation that sheds light on the experiences of medical professionals who stand strong on the frontlines when their community needs them the most.

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