Hiring Talent to Drive Digital Health Innovation - Interview with Polina Hanin

As innovative companies grow, so does their need for talent. In this episode, learn what it takes to attract top talent build high-growth teams for continuous growth and innovation. The recruitment landscape is changing and becoming more competitive. Discover a more empowering way to recruit high performing teams that drive the next decade of healthcare innovation. Learn about the Health Talent Exchange, an Aequitas platform to match new candidates with promising health startups. This episode dives into the future of attracting and retaining top talent for digital health innovation. Polina Hanin is a Principal at Aequitas Partners, which she joined after spending eight years as the Portfolio Director at StartUp Health as the company’s first employee. Polina has a passion for entrepreneurs with a belief that success comes from having a commitment to a big mission, with a team and network that is equally focused. At Aequitas, Polina works hand in hand with clients to define their recruitment strategy and make sure that the people who are brought into any company have the right mindset and capabilities to have an immediate impact.The Health Talent Exchange:https://www.aqpsearch.com/talent/Connect with Polina at Aequitas Partners or on LinkedIn:https://www.aqpsearch.com/https://www.linkedin.com/in/polinahanin

Om Podcasten

Who Would Have Thought is a podcast about digital health innovation, what we know now and what we have yet to discover about the rapid digital innovation happening around healthcare. Twenty years ago, who would have thought that so many people would have smartphones? Twenty years from now, what will the new “Who Would Have Thought” questions become. What digital technologies will significantly transform healthcare and what will it look like? What will we know then that we don’t know now about the way healthcare is delivered for more effective outcomes. Digital technology has certainly brought many changes in the quality of our lifestyle and we are starting to see it in healthcare. What are the challenges that patients and physicians face now and what are the changes needed for better outcomes? Discover the perspectives of digital health thought leaders today and inquire into digital technologies of tomorrow. This is a conversation to discover the future of digital health that impacts us all.