Beautiful Tiny Stomas: Neonatal Ostomy Models

On this episode of WOCTalk, we sit down with Christina “Nikki” Bruster, MSN, RN, CWON, RNC-NIC, author of the WOCNext® 2023 poster “Beautiful Tiny Stomas: Neonatal Ostomy Models”. Nikki discusses budget-friendly hand-made neonatal stoma models used to teach families and nurses about tiny stomas. Nikki’s creativity is a shining example of how WOC nurse can harness their creativity and expertise to benefit patients.

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Welcome to WOCTalk, a podcast courtesy of the Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society. WOCTalk is your opportunity to learn more about advocacy, education, and research that support the practice and delivery of expert healthcare to individuals with wound, ostomy, and continence care needs.