125 Dealing With Challenges At Work

Challenges at work are unavoidable. But whether you see something as a challenge or as a problem will likely affect not only how you deal with it, but also how it can affect you. Choosing the lens through which we view our experiences is a conscious decision. However, if you’ve been problem-focused, making changes will take time and effort. Considering the benefits of dealing with challenges over problems, you may want to shift your focus in a way that benefits you. Tune in to learn more.

Om Podcasten

Workplace Psychology with Martha Grajdek addresses a wide variety of topics related to the workplace. The podcast examines current issues through the lens of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (I-O Psychology), a branch of psychology that focuses on improving both performance and the well-being of individuals and organizations. In addition to discussing various topics, the podcast will explore potential solutions to workplace-related issues. Intended to stimulate conversation, listeners are invited to further consider each topic as it applies to them and their workplaces.