140 Remote Work Isolation

Considering the changing landscape of work and the workplace, we’re all learning to navigate new ways of doing things as we go. What we’re discovering is the reality of change – meaning that sometimes it brings benefits and sometimes it presents us with challenges. While remote work is an attractive option for some and a must for others, it may be easy to overlook the possibility of isolation of remote employees. Tune in to learn more. Check out Stress-Free With Dr G on YouTubehttps://youtube.com/channel/UCxHq0osRest0BqQQRXfdjiQ

Om Podcasten

Workplace Psychology with Martha Grajdek addresses a wide variety of topics related to the workplace. The podcast examines current issues through the lens of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (I-O Psychology), a branch of psychology that focuses on improving both performance and the well-being of individuals and organizations. In addition to discussing various topics, the podcast will explore potential solutions to workplace-related issues. Intended to stimulate conversation, listeners are invited to further consider each topic as it applies to them and their workplaces.