E116 | The Power of Now

In our fast-paced lives, it's all too easy to get caught up in the worries of the future or dwell on the regrets of the past, inadvertently neglecting the present moment—the very source of our creative potential.  In this episode, we delve deep into mindfulness teachings, exploring how grounding ourselves in the present moment can elevate our artistic practice, connect us to our intuition and helps us gain more control over our brains. Limiting the mental chatter! This is a super short episode you can watch, listen or read in just a few minutes.  

Om Podcasten

Hello! I am Michelle Lloyd founder of United ArtSpace, and I'm bringing you the Your Art Matters Podcast. I believe there is a place for everyone in the art world, and it is possible at any stage and any age to bring your creative passions alive. Every week, I will bring you a dose of inspiration, with thought-provoking and motivational conversation, so you can make art you love and turn what you love into a living. So together, let's get motivated, inspired and make art!