F*ck Superheroes!

In this episode of Your Mind is Trying To Kill You Podcast, Artist/Hypnotherapist, Alexandros Megas and Business Coach, Vincent Byrne get stuck into the topic of why we put people on pedestals and idolise them in a controversially titled episode ‘Fuck Superheroes!’ Why are lots of people obsessed with the superhero narrative that has been pushed at us through Hollywood and the media generally for many years? First, it was the cowboys and then it moved on to X-Men and Captain America and unfortunately those messages give us the idea that we need to rely on someone else, whether it be large corporations or government, to take care of us. In this episode, the guys say 'screw that!', we need to get the mindset that the 'cavalry ain't coming' and instead of sitting down and wait to be taken care of, we need to learn to take care of ourselves. We need to scrap the idea of the superhero story and instead follow the heroes journey story because it is only by turning and facing our fears and challenges that we are really living. The message is 'become your own superhero' and it's never too late to do it. So start now! Listen up and enjoy!  Oh and, don’t forget, we are also available on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3hj1X7N * Also, here's an extra Bonus to help you with your Affirmations: 5 SECRETS TO CREATING THE PERFECT AFFIRMATION DOWNLOAD FOR FREE👇 https://www.invisibleinnerforce.com/freebook

Om Podcasten

Have you ever wondered why it is that despite your best intentions you are not where you’d like to be in life? It feels like you are being sabotaged, and, Indeed you are, BY YOUR OWN MIND! In this podcast, your host, Alexandros Megas, and co-host, Vincent Byrne, walk you through what is going on in your mind and how it keeps defeating you, albeit in a loving way! Every week, they discuss all the reasons why our minds persistently get in the way of our evolution, growth, and success, but crucially, they also teach you what you can do to change it and in the process, alter your destiny!