Femtech Insider

En podcast af: Kathrin Folkendt
Innovation in women’s health has long been ignored and as the numbers show things are slowly starting to change. Femtech is on the rise, so let’s talk about it! The femtech sector is expected to grow to 50 billion USD by 2025, and investments in femtech are expected to cross the 1
Innovation in women’s health has long been ignored and as the numbers show things are slowly starting to change. Femtech is on the rise, so let’s talk about it! The femtech sector is expected to grow to 50 billion USD by 2025, and investments in femtech are expected to cross the 1.3 billion dollar line in 2020. In this series Kathrin Folkendt, the founder of Femtech Insider, talks to the makers and shakers, who push the boundaries for advancements in women’s health every day, but also to those who are a little more skeptical. Tune in and learn more!