Shapell's/MRC Virtual Beit Midrash

En podcast af Shapell's Rabbeim


1568 Episoder

  1. Gemara Chabura - Rabbi Karlinsky - Kibud Av V'eim 07

    Udgivet: 27.6.2024
  2. Life Lessons From Shmuel Bet - Perek 14 - Rebbetzin Shurin

    Udgivet: 26.6.2024
  3. Antisemitism and Immigration Policy in the US in the 1930s & Holocaust Years - Rabbi Yehuda Geberer

    Udgivet: 26.6.2024
  4. Parsha Highlights And Insights - Rabbi Fischer - Shelach Lecha

    Udgivet: 25.6.2024
  5. Rabbi Kwass-Responsa Chabura: Rabbi Ben-Zion Meir Hai Uziel ztl: Who Can Serve As A Shliach Tzibbur?

    Udgivet: 25.6.2024
  6. The Shmuze - Rabbi Schoonmaker - The Midbar, The Meraglim, And Tzion Beit Chayeinu

    Udgivet: 25.6.2024
  7. Gemara Chabura - Rabbi Karlinsky - Kibud Av V'eim 06

    Udgivet: 24.6.2024
  8. Rabbi Hirshfeld - Re'eh De'ah - 48

    Udgivet: 24.6.2024
  9. Rabbi Schoonmaker - Shem MiShmuel 01 (Beha'alotcha): Actions or Thoughts-What is the Ikar?

    Udgivet: 20.6.2024
  10. Life Lessons From Shmuel Bet - Perek 13 - Rebbetzin Shurin

    Udgivet: 20.6.2024
  11. Gemara Chabura - Rabbi Karlinsky - Kibud Av V'eim 05

    Udgivet: 20.6.2024
  12. The Shmuze - Rabbi Schneider - Living A Restaurant Life

    Udgivet: 18.6.2024
  13. Parsha Highlights And Insights - Rabbi Fischer - Behaalotecha

    Udgivet: 18.6.2024
  14. Rabbi Kwass - Responsa Chabura: A Community vs. A Partnership

    Udgivet: 17.6.2024
  15. Rabbi Hirshfeld - Re'eh De'ah - 47

    Udgivet: 17.6.2024
  16. Gemara Chabura - Rabbi Karlinsky - Kibud Av V'eim 04

    Udgivet: 17.6.2024
  17. Rabbi Schoonmaker - Middos And Avodas Hashem Vaad - The 13 Attributes With The Tomer Devorah 23

    Udgivet: 17.6.2024
  18. Rabbi Kwass - Responsa Chabura: Are Women Obligated In Tefillat Mussaf?

    Udgivet: 13.6.2024
  19. Parsha Highlights And Insights - Rabbi Fischer - Naso

    Udgivet: 13.6.2024
  20. The Shmuze - Rabbi Karlinsky - Standing At Sinai With An Offer We Couldn't Refuse

    Udgivet: 10.6.2024

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David Shapell College of Jewish Studies / Yeshiva Darche Noam is the premier institution in Jerusalem dedicated to helping college graduates and young professionals grow in their Jewish life and learning.

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