Spoiled Girlie Support Group

En podcast af Elle Ray


149 Episoder

  1. the rise of botox and filler, changing beauty standards, and decentering the male gaze

    Udgivet: 28.6.2024
  2. birthday dinner drama, sober GenZ, Asian glow, and money rules with friends

    Udgivet: 11.6.2024
  3. don't dim your light for anyone... EVER.

    Udgivet: 10.6.2024
  4. Hollywood's deadbeat fathers, the empathy gap, and the women refusing to bear sons

    Udgivet: 4.6.2024
  5. shark tank hypocrites, male gold diggers, and THE AUDACIOUS PROJECTION: "YoU'Re a GoLd diGgEr"

    Udgivet: 31.5.2024
  6. GOD WAS A WOMAN - a deep dive on catholicism, goddess worship, jezebel

    Udgivet: 29.5.2024
  7. let them. let go. let GOD.

    Udgivet: 22.5.2024
  8. the downfall of dating apps, “nice” guys, right wing women, and revelations

    Udgivet: 20.5.2024
  9. they’re not TRAD WIVES… they’re just RICH

    Udgivet: 17.5.2024
  10. candid girlfriend, cool girl, manic pixie dream girl, brain rot core

    Udgivet: 15.5.2024
  11. even men don't trust other men*... but we're supposed to? lol no.

    Udgivet: 9.5.2024
  12. the rise of LOSER men - consequence of women’s liberation or men’s ENTITLEMENT to women?

    Udgivet: 1.5.2024
  13. grown men will NEVER need your help - STOP HOUSING THE HOMELESS!

    Udgivet: 1.5.2024
  14. hookup culture is PSYCHOPATHIC [traditional baby daddy gets IG model pregnant then leaves her]

    Udgivet: 20.4.2024
  15. the ultimate PICKME never gets picked + red pillers are trad dupes

    Udgivet: 18.4.2024
  16. PICKME moms use their daughters for fame and money while NPC dads do nothing

    Udgivet: 17.4.2024
  17. 50/50 men are in survival mode [generational wealth, free bird theory]

    Udgivet: 13.4.2024
  18. weak men hurt women bc they’re women-adjacent [men* punching NYC women]

    Udgivet: 2.4.2024
  19. being BASIC is an act of self-love

    Udgivet: 1.4.2024
  20. men* date OUT of their league then ruin women’s lives [the paradoxical cycle]

    Udgivet: 26.3.2024

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