Who Watches Who | A Doctor Who Podcast

En podcast af Scott Mathew - Fredage



180 Episoder


    Udgivet: 24.9.2021
  2. WHERE IS THE NEW DOCTOR WHO TRAILER!? Monthly News | Who Watches Who Episode 19

    Udgivet: 24.9.2021
  3. 55 YEARS OF THE CYBERMEN!! Tomb of the Cybermen PART TWO | Who Watches Who Episode 18

    Udgivet: 17.9.2021
  4. The BEST CYBERMAN episode EVER!? The Tomb of the Cybermen PART ONE | Who Watches Who Episode 17

    Udgivet: 10.9.2021
  5. The Doctor Responds to all Calls is FANTASTIC!! Who Watches Who Episode 16

    Udgivet: 3.9.2021
  6. JODI AND CHIBNALL ARE LEAVING!!! Monthly News | Who Watches Who Episode 15

    Udgivet: 27.8.2021
  7. Is Capaldi's FIRST EPISODE GOOD!? Deep Breath | Who Watches Who Episode 14

    Udgivet: 20.8.2021
  8. The BEST episode of Doctor Who EVER!? Blink | Who Watches Who Episode 13

    Udgivet: 13.8.2021
  9. The Doctor Who Movie is ACTUALLY GOOD!? Who Watches Who Episode 12

    Udgivet: 8.8.2021
  10. NEW DOCTOR WHO TRAILER! Monthly News | Who Watches Who episode 11

    Udgivet: 30.7.2021
  11. Ancient Aliens was RIGHT! The Daemons PART TWO | Who Watches Who Episode 10

    Udgivet: 23.7.2021
  12. The Master starts a CULT! The Daemons PART ONE | Who Watches Who Episode 9

    Udgivet: 16.7.2021
  13. The 5th Doctors BEST episode!? Resurrection of the Daleks PART TWO | Who Watches Who Episode 8

    Udgivet: 9.7.2021
  14. THE DOCTORS GOT A GUN! Resurrection of the Daleks PART ONE | Who Watches Who Episode 7

    Udgivet: 2.7.2021
  15. Jodi Whittaker IS leaving Doctor Who! (Probably) | Who Watches Who Episode 6 MONTHLY NEWS

    Udgivet: 25.6.2021
  16. The Woman Who Fell to Earth - How does Jodi's FIRST EPISODE hold up? | Who Watches Who Episode 5

    Udgivet: 18.6.2021
  17. The 11th Hour 11 YEARS LATER! | Who Watches Who Episode 4

    Udgivet: 11.6.2021
  18. Rose! Revisiting Doctor Who's pilot | Who Watches Who Episode 3

    Udgivet: 4.6.2021
  19. IS JODI LEAVING!? Who Watches Who Episode 2 - MONTHLY NEWS VIDEO

    Udgivet: 28.5.2021
  20. Ecclestone's back! | Who Watches Who Episode 1

    Udgivet: 21.5.2021

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We’re Mathew and Scott and we’re mad men with a TV box. Come listen to us on our timey wimey adventures covering every Doctor Who story ever across the galaxy of TV, Audio Dramas, Comics, Books and so much more! It’ll be the trip of a lifetime.

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