Are Gels Bad for Your Gut? Why gut health is a runner’s best friend with Gabrielle Morse
Cook Eat Run - En podcast af Charlie Watson

This week Charlie chats with Gabrielle Morse, gut health expert from The Gut Health clinic about gut health for runners - foods to avoid, how to add extra fibre into your diet and what gut training means!Are energy gels are detrimental to gut health? How can runners optimise their gut health for better overall wellbeing?Gut Health BasicsGabrielle explains how gut bacteria affect everything from digestion to mental health. Top Tips for RunnersDiscover easy ways to up your gut game. Think fibre, think variety, and learn how to fuel your runs with gut-friendly foods.Gut Training 101Learn about gut training for better fibre and carb tolerance. Gabrielle shares tricks for handling gut issues on the run.Energy Gels: are they messing with your gut? Are gels gut villains? Gabrielle talks about emulsifiers and FODMAPs, while Charlie suggests some natural alternatives.Processed Foods and Your GutGabrielle highlights the fibre failings of ultra-processed foods and how to balance them with plant-based goodness.Supplements: Yay or Nay?Find out when probiotics and supplements might help, and why food should come first.Don't miss out on the 10% discount on thi month’s featured products: Hummer gels and Supernatural Fuel energy pouches at XMiles with the code COOKEATRUN. Check out Charlie’s list of recommended natural gels below:Veloforte Hilltop Spring RawVelo Activeroot. Find out more here - Connect with Gabrielle Morse at the Gut Health Clinic for more tips.Got fuelling and nutrition questions? Episode topic suggestions? - find Charlie online @therunnerbeans / Grab a copy of Charlie’s book ‘Cook Eat Run’ The Cook Eat Run Podcast is sponsored by XMiles - the One Stop Nutrition Shop - use discount code COOKEATRUN for 10% off this month’s featured products at This podcast is proudly produced by Decibelle Creative / @decibelle_creative