Evan Birch | Running Into the Storm

Evan Birch is a partner, father, friend, colleague and ultra runner who has been running his entire life, in more ways than one. While his accomplishments range from competing in the Sinister 7 100, the Canadian Death Race and the Divide 200, Evan’s foray into ultra running began in 2017, born out of running away from a two-decade career in emergency services. He assisted thousands of people, saved countless lives and comforted many more on their worst days…until it broke him.  In January 2022, Evan finally asked for help and slowly developed a new relationship with running through hours of intensive therapy. He forged a path towards healing from a diagnosis of PTSD, anxiety, and depression and eventually found he was no longer running away. He was facing his trauma head-on, leaning into the storm and the fear. His goal is to show others that there is a path forward and that you are not alone. He believes that you are more capable than you perceive yourself to be and that stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way to grow. It is through shared experiences that we can make a difference for ourselves and others.Connect with Evan:Instagram: @ultrabirch Connect with Carolyn & Kim:Email us with guest ideas: [email protected] Soles InstagramKim's InstagramKim's FacebookCarolyn's InstagramCarolyn's FacebookWe love hearing from you! Connect with us on Instagram @inspiredsolescast or email guest ideas to [email protected]. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend, subscribe or leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

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Inspired Soles co-hosts Carolyn Coffin and Kim Sankey bring the communities of trail and road running together as they explore the parallels between running and life. Guests share the wisdom and experience they have gained through running and how it has inspired them to live deeper and more meaningful lives.