172. When In Doubt, Create Space

If you’re feeling in doubt about anything in your life, I encourage you to create more space. Creating space allows you to make more authentic decisions, have more self-compassion, and have the insight to move in the best direction for you at that moment. In this episode, I’m talking all about creating space and the levels you might experience on the way there while sharing some real-life examples.   The Levels of Creating Space No awareness, falling into old habits, and people-pleasing. Reacting to what happened and being aware that you’re reacting but without insight Willing to create space and have time to have the insight Making the decision to honor your authentic self, to move in whatever direction feels appropriate for you   When in Doubt, Create Space Creating space to evaluate any situation is one of the most important things you can do in your life. Giving yourself the space to step back and see the bigger picture will have a profound impact on how you feel, how you interact with others, and how you make your decisions. When you create space, it gives you the perspective to decide how you want to move forward in a way that feels the most authentic to you. It’s a gift you give yourself that allows you to put yourself first and truly honor yourself, your boundaries, and your true desires.   The Levels of Creating Space There are levels or steps you need to take to start creating space. Each step will take you closer to finding what feels good and making more authentic decisions. Creating space is deciding what is yours to fix. Deciding where your role is, what you’re supposed to, or choose to do. One important aspect of creating space is self-compassion. Self-compassion is treating yourself like you would treat your friends and others – with love and grace. When you show yourself self-compassion, you’re giving yourself permission to set and honor your boundaries. And, with your boundaries, permission to create space. How can you create more space in your life? What steps do you need to honor to feel more authentically yourself? Let me know in the comments on the episode page.   In This Episode  Why creating space is so important [3:30] Why it’s important to set boundaries that feel good [8:30] Why you have to find what feels good [19:30] How to give yourself self-compassion [20:30]   Quotes “When you create that space, so many different things will come up. Very importantly: it will give you the opportunity to decide how you want to authentically proceed. That is really important.” [7:21] “When in doubt, create space. If you can create space, that’s when you can realize how to balance your energy in a favorable way toward yourself. That, ultimately, is going to serve you very well.” [9:00] “Creating space is deciding that this is not ours to fix. Deciding where your role is, what you’re supposed to do here, or what you choose to do here.” [17:33] “Creating space, when in doubt, will get you to that space where you can authentically be who you are, show up as you are, and all of those amazing things.” [20:15]   Resources 31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE. Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE. Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE. Follow Dr. Ali Novitsky on TikTok | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube Subscribe to The Muscles and Mindset Podcast on Apple Podcasts *** Ali Novitsky MD, this podcast, and podcast write-up are NOT providing medical advice ***   Related Episodes  Episode 165: 30-Minutes-A-Day  Episode 168: Self-Care Through Real Conversations with Dr. Kristi Angevine  Episode 171: In Health and Business with Frenchie Ferenczi

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Welcome to "The Muscles & Mindset Podcast", with your host Dr. Ali Novitsky, an acclaimed obesity medicine expert, renowned for her unique expertise in muscle optimization through exercise, nutrition, and mindset work. Her revolutionary approach to health and wellness. Dr. Novitsky is not just an expert; she is a catalyst, propelling individuals on their journey of transformation, fostering strength, endurance, and resilience, and reshaping the landscape of obesity medicine. The Muscles & Mindset Podcast aims to foster not just knowledge, but action. We'll unravel the secrets to optimizing muscle development, adhering to a nourishing diet, and cultivating a resilient mindset - three crucial pillars of a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. But more than that, we'll provide you with actionable strategies, practical tips, and effective tools that you can seamlessly incorporate into your daily routines. This podcast isn't just about understanding the muscles and mindset, it's about turning that understanding into positive, transformative action. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement, as you tune in to the Muscles & Mindset Podcast. Together, we'll navigate the path of health and wellness, one episode at a time. Dr. Ali Novitsky's work can be found at https://thefitcollective.com.