Meditation- A Tool To Help Rewire Signals in the Brain.

Unlocking Lasting Health: The Power of Medicinal Nutrition in Functional and Lifestyle Medicine! - En podcast af Dr. Simone

Disclaimer: The sole purpose of these articles and podcast's is to provide information about health, nutrition, fitness, and wellness. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult your personal health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively within a medical/clinical setting. Check with your doctor practicing any nutritional/fitness strategies, especially, before taking any supplements, herbs or using essential oils, especially, when pregnant or nursing. In this episode, nit only do I wish to explain the how powerful a tool meditation is, but also, clarify some common misconceptions.  If your meditation practice involves trying to silence your thoughts- you are doing it wrong, and this may be why, you either find meditation too hard or don’t feel motivated to continue after a few sessions. Meditation can help rewire brain signals, stabilize stress hormones, thereby, help with management of stress related issues like stress eating, body aches, and overall boost the immune system. In this 4 week one on one course, I will share with you the clinical aspects of meditation in simple terms. Each week, I will teach you one new practice and over four weeks, we will together build on your meditation goals. This is not a one size fits all course, I will spend time understanding your personal needs and then design a course that meets your personal goals and desired outcomes. Once this course is done, you will know how to meditate, what is the vagus nerve, what is the amygdala, the HPA axis, the cortex, and how these factors lead into stress related health issues. Finally, how with meditation, we can help the brain communicate with the gut, the immune system, and the rest of the body. These four week sessions are being offered at a 50% discount until the end of the month, so come join me! To join,send me an email @[email protected] --- Support this podcast:

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