it's time to stop hating urself

AFFIRMATION: I choose my peace, happiness, and positive thoughts into my life. I am aware that I am a work in progress and a work of art at the same time. Nothing can stop me from living life on my terms and having the freedom I have. I bring loving energy and awareness to this week and attract what I deserve into my life.I hope you guys loved this episode, let me know if you liked this episode / what you want to hear next by leaving me a review on apple podcast, dming my instagram, and also make sure to share this episode with ur friends who might need to hear it <3 LOVE Usocials:@natsneatteats / @mondayymoodpod / @nataliaseliger

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Conversations all about health, balance, navigating ur 20's, self improvement, and much more. My Monday Mood is a place to feel safe, inspired, and seen. LISTEN EVERY MONDAY! Hosted by Natalia Seliger (@mondayymoodpod + @natsneatteats)