From alcohol, addiction and anxiety to radiant health and joy with Lisa Roberts Hurd of Food.Body.Soul

In this episode of Momlight, Lisa Roberts Hurd, the founder of Food.Body.Soul and M.Phil in Classical Archeology from Oxford University, shares her journey to sobriety and vitality. Lisa used alcohol and prescription drugs to escape her reality where she wasn't living her truth. When she hit rock bottom and entered rehab, she finally had her metamorphosis and felt like she had been given a second chance at life. Her goal now is to inspire others to take care of themselves through food, lifestyle and being present even when it can get uncomfortable. You can learn more about Lisa and how to work with her at and follow Lisa on Instagram at @food.body.soul

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Welcome to Radical Vitality, a podcast dedicated to helping you create a healthy, vibrant, joyful life. Dr. Kanchan Koya is joined by leaders in science and medicine who are passionate about decoding confusing, often conflicting and sensationalized nutrition and lifestyle advice. Whether you're a busy mom, a working woman, or someone who wants to optimize their health in an evidence based, sustainable way, this podcast is your go-to source for cutting-edge science and practical tips.