Teeny Tiny Workouts that Work + Veganism's Transformative Power with Melanie Darnell of fitmomma.com

Melanie Darnell, the founder of www.fitmomma.com teaches us how byte-sized, mini workouts done daily (even while giving your kids a bath!) can transform your fitness and your life as a mother. Through her Instagram page @fitmomm4three, her website and youtube channel, Melanie shows us how Daily Doses of Movement even in busy momlife has transformational effects. She is  passionate about Veganism and raising a plant-based family for optimal health, wellness an vitality. Melanie also shares compassionate and gentle parenting tips that have inspired me to become a more mindful mom. Melanie's book recommendations include Eating Animals, No Drama Discipline and Siblings Without Rivalry. I love following and learning from Melanie and I know you will too.

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Welcome to Radical Vitality, a podcast dedicated to helping you create a healthy, vibrant, joyful life. Dr. Kanchan Koya is joined by leaders in science and medicine who are passionate about decoding confusing, often conflicting and sensationalized nutrition and lifestyle advice. Whether you're a busy mom, a working woman, or someone who wants to optimize their health in an evidence based, sustainable way, this podcast is your go-to source for cutting-edge science and practical tips.