Time Restricted Eating + Intermittent Fasting for Moms

In this solo episode, I dive into the science and the basics of time restricted eating and intermittent fasting especially focused on mothers and busy #momlife. I suggest actionable steps you can take to implement these science-backed powerful practices in your life as a mom with potentially game changing health benefits. Hope you enjoy! 

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Radical Vitality, a podcast dedicated to helping you create a healthy, vibrant, joyful life. Dr. Kanchan Koya is joined by leaders in science and medicine who are passionate about decoding confusing, often conflicting and sensationalized nutrition and lifestyle advice. Whether you're a busy mom, a working woman, or someone who wants to optimize their health in an evidence based, sustainable way, this podcast is your go-to source for cutting-edge science and practical tips.