1. Social Media Shenanigans & WIND Values

Hi, we're back! And in this short re-introduction episode, Heather Caplan gives an update on some social media shenanigans, why they matter and what we had to say about it. While the risks of doom-scrolling are high, we aren't immune to them any more than the next person. That being said, our two highest WIND values are Inclusivity and Integrity, so let there be no question or hesitation at all about where we stand on oppressive rhetoric and actions.  Get in touch any time by sending us an email: weightinclusivenutrition at gmail dot com.  WIND: weightinclusivenutrition.com 

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The place where we talk about the prevalence of disordered eating and body dysmorphia in sport, and hear from runners at all levels about their experiences finding balance, joy, and wellbeing within sport.